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S Scale, 14° Crossing - Printable Track Template


This template is a full resolution PDF file that can be printed on any inkjet or laser printer. You will need the free Adobe Reader to view the file.

Fast Tracks Printable Track Templates are invaluable for designing and hand-laying trackwork. Can be used for trackwork built with or without Fast Tracks assembly fixtures Can be printed full size, making it a handy tool for planning your layout Provides PC board and rail gapping information for building DC and DCC compatible trackwork It will help you determine the optimum location of PC Board ties for soldered trackwork.

Generated from the same CAD file used to build the assembly fixture, this printable track template is an accurate representation of an S # 14° Crossing. It is an invaluable tool for designing your layout and building hand laid trackwork. The file is a full-resolution PDF file that can be printed on any inkjet or laser printer. Adobe Reader is required to view this file. If it is necessary to assemble multiple sheets, follow these simple steps below. Assembling multi page Tie Templates

On one of the pages, trim the template to the middle of the last tie. It's OK to cut off a bit of the printed portion, which will help align the sheets.

Assembling multi page Tie Templates

Lay the trimmed sheet onto the top of the next page. Carefully align the sheets, so they are precisely aligned.

Assembling multi page Tie Templates

Tape the sections together using clear tape. Use care at this step to ensure the sheets stay aligned precisely. We have found it is easier to use a couple of small pieces of tape to "tack" the pages together, then follow up with a large amount across the entire joint.

Once assembled, the turnouts can be cut from the sheet or the completed sheet photocopied on paper stock large enough to fit the entire turnout.


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