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There will be no shipping from Friday Feb. 7th through Friday Feb. 14th. Shipping will resume Monday Feb. 17th

Control Rod Panel Knob - Plain


Out of Stock

Additional Stock: 2 to 3 days

The BF-0010 is normally stocked but we are currently out. You can still order this part and we will ship it as soon as it is available.

PRICE : $0.65(USD)

This is the same plain knob included with each BullFrog control rod kit. Only order this knob if you are purchasing all of the components for a control rod separately.


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The BullFrog Switch Machine and Accessories

This all-in-one document provides complete instructions for assembling the BullFrog Manual Turnout Control, TadPole Remote Control Rod Mount, Control Rod Hanger/Joiner, Control Rod Kit, The SideWinder, and Decorative Knobs.

The BullFrog Manual Turnout Control

One of the least expensive manual turnout controls available anywhere; the BullFrog offers all the same features as more expensive turnout controls. It includes a full selection of options and accessories. This overview video explains how the system works.

Building The BullFrog Turnout Control - Part 1

Here Tim demonstrates how to put together the unassembled version of the BullFrog.

Building The BullFrog Turnout Control - Part 2

Here Tim demonstrates how to put together the unassembled version of the BullFrog.

Building The BullFrog Turnout Control - Part 3

Here Tim demonstrates how to put together the unassembled version of the BullFrog.

BullFrog Control Rod Kit

The control rod kit includes all of the parts that you will need to connect the BullFrog manual turnout control to your front panel.

BullFrog Dual Actuator For Free-Mo Layouts

The BullFrog Dual Actuator makes it easy to switch the BullFrog switch machine from both sides of your layout. Designed for Free-mo modules, the actuator can be used on any type of layout where you need to control the BullFrog manual turnout control from two locations.

BullFrog Manual Turnout Control - Stress Testing

Before releasing our new BullFrog manual turnout control, we built this test jig to stress test the design. After 100,000 cycles, the BullFrog showed no significant signs of wear. To simulate switching stress, we restrained the switch wire, which broke after 10,000 cycles, while the BullFrog was no worse for wear.

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