There will be no shipping from Friday Feb. 7th through Friday Feb. 14th. Shipping will resume Monday Feb. 17th
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There will be no shipping from Friday Feb. 7th through Friday Feb. 14th. Shipping will resume Monday Feb. 17th

What is the difference between a Hex Frog Juicer, a Dual Frog Juicer and a Mono Frog Juicer?

A Hex Frog Juicer can control up to 6 turnout frogs or three reverse loops or wyes. They are also the best option for wiring a double crossover. A Dual Frog Juicer can control two turnout frogs or a single reverse loop or wye. They are also suitable for operating the frogs of a crossing. A Mono Frog Juicer will control a single turnout frog.

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