There will be no shipping from Friday Feb. 7th through Friday Feb. 14th. Shipping will resume Monday Feb. 17th
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There will be no shipping from Friday Feb. 7th through Friday Feb. 14th. Shipping will resume Monday Feb. 17th

Craftsman Series

TooCraftsman Series Toolsls and supplies that are labeled with the Craftsman Series logo are only recommended for experienced modelers with advanced track-building skills.

If you are new to hand-laid trackwork, we suggest that you start with simpler switches such as turnouts or wyes. Once you have mastered building this type of trackwork, then you will be ready to take the next step and start building more complex switches.

The techniques required to build trackwork using Craftsman Series tools and supplies are not really any different—however, the complex geometry of some types of trackwork and smaller-sized scales can make it more challenging to get great results.